Later, in the second installment we saw a tough little girl named Sapphire who, with the help of her timid friend Archer, battled a two-headed dragon from the heights of their tree house!
Now, (or soon) we meet Amelia. Amelia, like Sapphire, is a tough little chica with pals at the ready to battle the latest dragon in Peter Clark's "The Mighty Knights" books! I can say no more right now about the story, but here is a sneak peak at the character concept for little Amelia.
This project will be more of a collaboration as we develop the images and the text side by side. I will be illustrating an outline from which the words will come to Peter. Likewise, as the text evolves, I will be responding to Peter's writing. Follow along as we develop this project! Invite others to follow along and for those who are interested in one day illustrating and want to follow the process, here we go!